PPL Foundation Brighter Futures Scholarship

The Fund shall support both undergraduate and graduate students. Students shall come from any major with a passion for clean energy, sustainability, decarbonization, and grid reliability as explained by the student in an essay which will be reviewed and evaluated in the University of Rhode Island’s discretion. Students will also be selected based on financial need and preference will be given to students who are first-generation college students. The student recipient(s) will be selected by the Office of Enrollment Services. Applicants must (i) be enrolled at Grantee as an undergraduate or graduate student; (ii)be in good academic standing; (iii) have demonstrated financial need; and (iv) demonstrate a passion for or interest in clean energy, sustainability, decarbonization and grid reliability as described in the student essay. Funding: $100K during CY24 – CY28 ($20K each year)

Supplemental Questions
  1. PPL Questions
    • Please describe your passion for clean energy, sustainability, decarbonization, and grid reliability.
  2. Are you a first generation college student?