Eleanor M. & Oscar M. Carlson Scholarship (for female single parents)

Income from endowment for scholarships awarded annually to female students who are single parent heads of household, and who have one or more dependent children. Preference will be given to students who meet one or more of the following criteria: a) following a non-traditional education track b) financial need c) good academic standing d) R.I. resident e) pursuing a major or minor in Gender and Women’s Studies. Recipients selected in consultation with the Enrollment Services by a committee comprised of the head of the Gender and Women’s studies program, URI faculty members associated with the Gender and Women’s Studies program and, if it exists, one member of the Gender and Women’s Studies Council. One scholarship will generally be equal to in-state tuition plus a book allowance.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Are you a female student who is a single parent, filling head of house hold?
  2. Please write a statement (500 word max) which addresses the following points: information about you; what you have been doing since high school; how this scholarship will help you to attain your educational goals; your future plans after graduation.