The Romeo and Rose Picerne Scholarship for Pharmacy

The Fund shall support ten (10) annual pharmacy scholarships per year. In the first academic year (2017-2018), the scholarship awards will be distributed as follows: 3 awards to students in the Pharm.D. P1 year; 3 awards to students in the Pharm.D. P2 year; 2 awards to students in the Pharm.D. P3 year; and 2 awards to students in the Pharm.D. P4 year. In subsequent years, the class distribution of students awarded the scholarship will be determined in consultation with the Picerne Family Charitable Foundation. Talented and worthy recipients will be selected utilizing applications submitted to the Dean of the College of Pharmacy and reviewed in an identity-blind consultation with the Picerne Family Charitable Foundation. As required by the IRS, the URI Foundation and University shall retain full discretion of funds held to ensure that worthy and talented candidates are selected from the student body while honoring the donor’s intentions for the fund. Applicants must be Rhode Island residents who have performed community service within the last twelve months; are involved with a local organization, school club, sports, or through employment; and have demonstrated financial need. Any recipient of the award will be entitled to renew their annual award for up to four years as long as there are funds available and they have maintained a minimum GPA of 3.0. Renewal of awards will be subject to final approval of the Dean of the College of Pharmacy.
